Knowledge Sharing ePosters Session 10
Thursday, 20 February
Hall 1, Ground Floor
This session includes abstract only submission for 24671, 24778 and 25049. Abstract only submissions denote that the author/speaker(s) have opted for abstract only submission and these technical papers are not available in the Digital Proceedings/OnePetro.
Alternate 24811Development of a Robust Bi-objective Optimisation Procedure for Production Optimisation of Fractured Reservoirs Using EDFM and StoSAG Algorithm
Alternate 24975First Application of High-definition Reservoir Mapping While Drilling for Horizontal Well Landing in Multi-layered Reservoirs in the Gulf of Thailand
Alternate 24920Investigation on Dilation Mechanisms of Low-permeability Sandstone Under Water Injection in Offshore Oil Field
Alternate 24671Enhancing Value From a Mature Offshore Field: Sweet Spot Identification Leveraging Subsurface Insights and Analytical Reservoir Engineering for Optimal Infill Campaigns
Alternate 2502228in Hybrid Bit Technology Drilling Through Complex Offshore Drilling Intervals
Alternate 25090Analytical Approach for Development Plan Optimisation for Fields at Early Development Stage - Case Study in the Greater Burgan Field
Alternate 25020Global Sensitivity Analysis for Carbon Storage Site Ranking and Selection
Alternate 24778Maximising Value in Mature Waterflood Field
Alternate 24698Subsurface & Surface Optimisation Helps to Extend the Field Life with Significant Contribution to Production Sustainability from Mature Gas Field Through Integrated Asset Modeling
Alternate 24829Well Production Prediction Method Based on Multi-factor Fusion Time Series Model
Alternate 24830Analysing Polymer Flooding Strategies for Enhanced Profitability in Water Cut Management: A Case Study of a Sandstone Field in Kazakhstan
Alternate 25037Digital Solutions Improve the Sustainability of Underbalanced Coiled Tubing Interventions
Alternate 25049Geomechanics and Drilling Fluid Solution in Eliminating Stuck Pipe Incidents in Weak Shale Formation and Highly Depleted Brown Field
Alternate 24917Beyond Digital Twins: Evolution of Transient Hole Cleaning Models to Enable Higher Levels of Automation
Alternate 24883Intelligent Diagnosis of Electric Submersible Progressive Cavity Pump Based on Multiple Parameters
Alternate 25032Maximising Oil Production by Leveraging Python for Gas Lift Optimisation Through Well Modelling
Alternate 24708Intelligent Identification of Formation Lithology While Drilling
Alternate 24901Synergising Planning and Technology: Achieve World-Class Drilling Performance. A Suriname Deep-Water Exploration Project Case Study