Knowledge Sharing ePosters Session 4
Tuesday, 18 February
Hall 1, Ground Floor
This session includes abstract only submission for 25077 and 24882. Abstract only submissions denote that the author/speaker(s) have opted for abstract only submission and these technical papers are not available in the Digital Proceedings/OnePetro.
Alternate 24750Quantitative Evaluation of Factors Affecting Particle Migration in Loose Sandstone Reservoirs
Alternate 25075Enhancing the Performance of Oil-based Drilling Fluids with a Novel Modified Clay
Alternate 24775A Report Generation System for Well Logging Industry Based on Large Language Model and Retrieval Augmented Generation
Alternate 25067Integrated Containment Analysis for CO2 Sequestration in High-CO2 Content Gas Fields: Decarbonization and Optimising Asset Value
Alternate 24860Innovative of Foam-assisted Gas Lift Technology for Resuscitation of High- Salinity and High-gor Oil Wells
Alternate 24770Optimising Petrophysical Analysis Through Logging Conveyance System Selection: A Wireline vs. LWD Performance Evaluation
Alternate 24842A Multi-Scale Cross-Correlation Based Method Enables Automatic Well Log Depth Matching
Alternate 25086Navigating Deepwaters - De-risking and Early Monetisation Opportunities with Early Production System Floater
Alternate 24812Integrated Approach to Proactive Sand Management: Subsurface and Surface Control Strategies
Alternate 25077Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis from a Siliciclastic Analogue Model to Real Seismic Datasets: An Innovative Application of the Relative Geological Time Modelling Method
Alternate 25068Research and Experiment on CO2-assisted Cold Production of Heavy Oil
Alternate 24882An Overview of Subsea Pipeline Decommissioning and Residual Management Using the Reverse S-lay Technique
Alternate 24819Eliminating Packoff and High Circulating Pressure During Well Cementing
Alternate 25013Fluid-modulus Inversion for Gas Prediction in the Deep-water Area of Northern South China Sea
Alternate 24946Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionise Rigless ESP Planning and Intervention Optimisation
Alternate 25027State-of-the-art Drilling Dynamics Modeling For Two Consecutive Long Hole Opening Sections In A Deviated Well With Single Run Approach.
Alternate 24835Innovative Combination of Enhanced Operative Window Provided by High effiCiency Drilling Fluid Technology and Advanced Designed Cutter Bit Set Field Record in Challenging High-pressure Section
Alternate 24724Strategic Decommissioning: Global Ultimate Strength Analysis for Fixed Offshore Structures