Knowledge Sharing ePosters Session 7
Wednesday, 19 February
Hall 1, Ground Floor
This session includes abstract only submission for 24873, 24993 and 24837. Abstract only submissions denote that the author/speaker(s) have opted for abstract only submission and these technical papers are not available in the Digital Proceedings/OnePetro.
Alternate 24910Automatic Detection of Hydraulic Fracturing Events by Real-time Data Mining
Alternate 24865Transforming Intermittent Gas Liftoperations with Automation and Real-time Monitoring
Alternate 24907Unlocking Hidden Potential: Conventional Log Analysis of Low Resistivity Pay in Gulf of Thailand
Alternate 24873Enhancing Late-life Asset Economics: Cost-effective Cemented Monobore with Resin Sand Consolidation in Infill Oil Producer Wells
Alternate 25025Enhance the Vertical Resolution of Conventional Well Logs Using Autoencoder
Alternate 24993Two Phase Relative Permeability Prediction of Rock Fractures Using Optimised Deep Learning
Alternate 24787Field-testing Verified Digital Models for Monitoring Drillstring Fatigue Induced by Rotating-bending, Vibration and Stick-slip
Alternate 24966Elastic Anisotropic FWI for Multi-well Walk-away DAS-VSP Datasets in a CCUS Pilot Field Onshore Japan
Alternate 24939Detailed Geomechanical Characterisation and Application of Shallow Shale Gas Reservoirs with Complex Tectonic and Multiple Fracture Systems
Alternate 24786Lesson Learned and Practical Guide to Successful Formation Pressure Testing Across Naturally Fractured Carbonate Formations
Alternate 24742Deep Coalbed Methane Reservoir Stimulation Technology in Shenfu Block
Alternate 24837Mapping Hydrocarbon Sands, Offshore Peninsula Malaysia
Alternate 24697Downhole Venturi Flowmeter with Removable Orifice
Alternate 24844Enhancing Seismic 2D and 3D Data Conditioning by Leveraging Machine Learning
Alternate 24780Overcoming Challenges of Well Intervention During Simultaneous Production Operations and Hook-up Commissioning to Restore Production of Big Bore Gas Producers
Alternate 24996Design Modeling Methodology to Optimise Fracturing Treatments Using Temperature Logging
Alternate 24880Control of Strike-Slip Faults on Dominant Depositional Facies in the Bohai Sea, Eastern China: A Case Study from the Fault Terrace Zone of the Huanghekou Sag