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Knowledge Sharing ePosters Session 9

Thursday, 20 February
Hall 1, Ground Floor
This session includes abstract only submission for 24771 and 24717. Abstract only submissions denote that the author/speaker(s) have opted for abstract only submission and these technical papers are not available in the Digital Proceedings/OnePetro.
  • Alternate 24774
    Alternative Scale Clean Out Solution by Automated E-line Milling in Slimhole Well
    O. Suwannakarn, Chevron Thailand E&P Ltd.
  • Alternate 25007
    Cost Effective Waterflooding from Dump Flood to Forced Water Injection Reduces Risk Improves Production and Increases Recovery in a Brown Field
    D. Mandal, R. Raja Kamal Tauphy, G. Das, K. Azmee, Dialog Energy Sdn Bhd; L. Mohd Yusoff, A. Sinha, PETRONAS; F. Nazir, S. Sobri, Dialog Energy Sdn Bhd
  • Alternate 24933
    History-matching Using Refinement of Internal Reservoir Architecture on Reduced Order Dynamic Models.
    B. Kayode, S. Ganis, Saudi Aramco
  • Alternate 25064
    Enhancing Reservoir Insight with Real Time Azimuthal Density Imaging, Wireline Advanced Log Acquisition & Core/cuttings Analysis: A Case Study of Complex Lithology in Deepwater Sabah, Malaysia
    T.B. Nordin, PETRONAS; L. Ong, A. Yaakob, D. Saadon, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.
  • Alternate 24864
    Fast AI Fault Prediction Using Sparsely Interpreted Labels
    W. Xiong, L. Li, J. Cui, X. Zhang, L. Dai, C. Xu, BGP, CNPC
  • Alternate 24771
    Understanding Talus Formation from Analysis of Wells Data and Conventional Core Descriptions in a Pinnacle Carbonate Reservoir, Central Luconia, Sarawak
    M. Abu Bakar, K. Ling, L. Chee Leong, Sapura OMV Upstream
  • Alternate 24896
    Integration of an Ogi Camera in a Legged Robot for Fugitive Emission Monitoring
    R. Campaci, A. Moro, T. Borzone, EniProgetti SpA; M. Favaretto, A. Vignali, C. Fassio, N. Corallo, Eni SpA; F. Garcia, B. Vandekerkhove, S. Shetti, ANYbotics
  • Alternate 24895
    Optimisation of Shut-in Time Based on Oil Saturation Rebalancing in Post-fracturing for Horizontal Wells
    X. Li, Shixi Field Operation District of Xinjiang Oilfield Company; W. Zhou, PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration &Development, CNPC; W. Pu, L. Xie, L. Fu, B. Ji, J. Li, Shixi Field Operation District of Xinjiang Oilfield Company; X. Yang, Beijing SilikeEnergy Technology Co., Ltd.; X. Huang, CK Energy Technology Co., Ltd; Z. Wu, PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, CNPC
  • Alternate 24717
    Enhancing Pressure Transient Analysis Distortions Caused by Gas-influx for Liquid Hydrogen Storage Well Testing Based on a LSTM Deep Learning Architecture
    K. Katterbauer, S. Abu Al Saud, S. Komies, A. Al Shehri, Saudi Aramco
  • Alternate 24673
    Formation-dependent Tectonic Lateral Strain Calibration for CCUS Operations Applying Microfrac Tests
    E. Ighodalo, M. Berkane, Saudi Aramco; J. Franquet, P. Chakrabarti, Baker Hughes
  • Alternate 25052
    Compaction and Completion System Collapse Analyses for a Shallow Unconsolidated Reservoir, Offshore Peninsular Malaysia
    A. Younessi, A. Chatterjee, Baker Hughes; I. Ghazali, N. M Nordin, Vestigo Petroleum Sdn Bhd
  • Alternate 24862
    An Advanced Integrated Workflow for Estimation of Initial Zonal Productivity by Leveraging Openhole Logs and Formation Testing Data
    D. Ghosal, S. Haddad, D.E. Solohaga, M. Abdulmoniem, R.A. Mohamed, SLB
  • Alternate 24909
    Lessons Learned and Best Practices from High-rate HPHT Well Testing Campaign, Lang Lebah Field, Offshore Malaysia
    C. Boon Chin, J. Hemaprasertsuk, M.K. Hamdan, P. Bandyopadhyay, C. Phasook, PTTEP; Y.A. Shumakov, P. Kumar, M. Arsat, B. Theuveny, SLB
  • Alternate 25092
    Field Trials Review on Drilling Data Microchips Deployment, Recovery and Data Retention
    S.A. Tella, Sinopec Tech Middle East; A. Alsheikh, Saudi Aramco; S. Li, J. Li, Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering; G. Zhan, Saudi Aramco
  • Alternate 24918
    Technologies and Achievements for Drilling and Completion of Onshore Deep and Ultra-deep Wells in China
    J. Zhang, H. Wang, G. Ji, M. Cui, CNPC Engineering Technology R&D Company Limited; L. Chen, W. Li, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company; L. Liu, CNPC Engineering Technology R&D Company Limited
  • Alternate 24689
    An Integrated Approach to Enhancing Reservoir Property Prediction in a Clastic Reservoir: A Case Study from Acacus Formation, Ghadames Basin, NW Libya
    H. Alshaafi, Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO); A. Elakuri, M. Albrouki, SLB; F. Arfaad, Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO)

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