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Technical Session 10: Petroleum Geology

Tuesday, 18 February
Room 406-407, Level 4
Technical Session
This session includes abstract only submission for 24710. Abstract only submissions denote that the author/speaker(s) have opted for abstract only submission and these technical papers are not available in the Digital Proceedings/OnePetro.
Session Chairpersons
Suhaileen Shahar - PETRONAS
Azman Azis - TGS
  • 1100-1130 25108
    Unveiling the Evolution and Facies Distribution of a Miocene Carbonate Platform in Central Luconia, Offshore Malaysia
    P. Henglai, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited; R. Fongngern, Department of Geological Sciences, Chiang Mai University; R. Uttareun, S. Sa-Nguanphon, T. Soontornnateepat, J. Srisuriyon, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited
  • 1130-1200 24710
    Structural Sandbox Simulation of the Fault-fracture Development in the Compression Deformation: A Case Study from the Sichuan Basin
    X. Zhang, R. Han, D. Liu, Y. Yao, P. Chen, S. Yuan, BGP, CNPC
  • 1200-1230 24924
    Reservoir Prospectivity in Sentolo Formation Based on the Porosity and its Diagenesis: Analog Study
    A.A. AssyifaS, M.F. Dirgantoro, A.M. Giwangkara, A. Akmaluddin, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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