In the Era of Energy Transition, Is There Any Change in Geothermal Exploration? |
0900-1700 hours |
Monday, 17 February 2025 |
Instructor: |
Ratih Nurruhliati, Geothermal Consultant |
Level: Intermediate |
In the Era of Energy Transition, Is There Any Change in Geothermal Exploration? |
0900-1700 hours |
Monday, 17 February 2025 |
Instructor: |
Ratih Nurruhliati, Geothermal Consultant |
Level: Intermediate |
The goal of this course is to investigate the ways that methods used to prospect for and develop oil and gas reservoirs are being employed in geothermal. The course will cover the following topics:
Geothermal Power Plants use heat to generate steam that turns the turbine which produces electricity. The source is the hot water underneath the ground. These underground hydrothermal reservoirs naturally generate heat and steam that reach the surface through hot springs, geysers, and other surface manifestations around the volcano complex. Therefore, geothermal resources and facilities are usually located on the border of Earth’s tectonic plates, where the right structures allow trapped reservoirs to migrate to the surface. With global trends using historical petroleum data, in this mature industry, with the right technology and fast-changing innovation and development, there is a great deal of opportunity as well as work in the transformation from hydrocarbon to geothermal energy. The course will cover both conventional and transformation hydrocarbon to heat exploration with the right mindset and the possible approach.
Ratih Nurruhliati has more than 25 years of experience in geothermal and petroleum resource exploration and development, beginning with exploration and slimhole logging in the Darajat Geothermal Field, and then expanding to other parts of the world, in both petroleum and geothermal exploration. Well-respected in her field by her peers, Nurruhliati is a member of Women in Geothermal (WING) Indonesia, where she has held leadership positions. Nurruhliati has earned degrees in both geothermal geology and geology from the University of Auckland and also the Institute Teknologi Bandung.